And the Countdown Begins…

Today, at this very moment in time, my life looks pretty average.

So here I am, sitting at Starbucks
This is an average selfie.

I’m sitting in a Starbucks in suburban New Jersey. I have a Skinny Iced Caramel Macchiato sitting next to me. My IPhone 4 (no, not even the 4s) is sitting to the left of my computer, about to run out of battery. And I’m in a rush to finish this blog post, so I can get home to walk my dog.

This is what I'm looking at, right now. At this very second...
And this is what I’m looking at… Right now…At this very second…

This is all about to change in 12 days. I am about to pick up my life, and leave the land of chain restaurants and overpriced generic coffee. I’m moving to a pueblo in the Southwest of Spain, where the public school English teacher barely speaks English. When I say pueblo, I mean a tiny 5,200 person town …surrounded by lots of vacas (cows), caballos (horses), and montañas grandes (you guys can figure that one out).

Holy shit.

Now, despite the fact that I was born in raised in suburban Jersey, I am a city girl to the core. I thrive on chaotic crowds, bright lights, taxi rides that make you feel like your on the brink of death, and sweaty people pushing you out of the way to cross the street before the light turns green.

Needless to say, Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain is not this. The closest city is Sevilla, which is two hours away. The good news is, I have an English teaching job that only demands 12 hours a week of my time. That leaves me lots and lots of time to wander. And don’t you worry, with the help of my secondhand moped that won’t be a problem.

My mission? To explore, take shit tons of jaw-dropping-im-going-to-make-you-jealous photos with my new fancy camera, find the best food in all of Spain and beyond, and tell you all about it RIGHT HERE.

Watchout España…A Wandering Casiedilla is comin’ atya.

Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain
My Pueblo… Ain’t she cute?


0 thoughts on “And the Countdown Begins…

  1. OMG you are fabulous. How exciting for you. I love the blog and I hope to see all your posts and pictures. Good luck, safe travels and have fun!!

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