Mmmmm Fall food. Nothing says the leaves are turning better than a hand-warming pumpkin spiced latte, a big buttery slab of crispy apple cobbler, or a hearty bowl of butternutsh squash soup. Ohhhhhhh baby.
Well. Sadly, I’ve had none of that this season. Over the past two months living in Spain, I’ve realized that “trendy seasonal food” is pretty much an American thing. There are no pastelarías selling cookies shaped as orange leaves, no spiced latte specials at the local cafes, nor is there ANYTHING pumpkin flavored…
GASP. Ladies, I know you feel my pain…
But don’t you worry, I have taken matters into my own hands. No way was I going to let an entire Fall season pass by without having something orange and warming-to-the-soul. Sure, I could have cheated, found the closest Starbucks, and ordered a Pumpkin Spiced Latte (and maybe I did, just once). But I was determined to figure out how to celebrate “a real” Spanish Fall, in my own unique and delicious way. So with much research, I present to you…
ORANGE SPICED WINE!Or as we call it here, Vino de Naranja.
Sure, it’s not pumpkin flavored. But it is orange. And it certainly gives you that same cozy, heartwarming feeling that any warm lattesouppie-pumpkin-dish-of-choice would give you. And the best part? It will only cost you 1.5€ for a glass! Take that, Starbucks PSL…
The wine tastes like a dulce, or sweet dessert wine, spiked with zesty orange flavoring and spices. After you swallow it, you will taste the back hint of caramelized honey and cinnamon. Mmmmmm, I wouldn’t mind a glass right now…
I must warn you. The glasses are “Euro sized,” meaning if you don’t know any better you might confuse the serving for a shot of wine, but it’s not. (Fellow Americans…that means do NOT drink it in one sitting 😉 ) Surprisingly, I didn’t want/need any more after that first glass, nor did my friends. Now, that says a lot, because we were prepared for round two…
You can find this delicious uniquely Sevilla wine at the whole-in-the-wall winery and taberna, Taberna La Goleta en el Barrio de Santa Cruz. If you are looking for it, look closely. It’s extremely easy to miss, with its camouflage green awning and worn-in vintage lettering. All the wines, including the Vino de Naranja, are made at their very own winery in the Andalucian pueblo of Manzanilla, Huelva.And, if that cozy, warm feeling of Fall runs right through you and you suddenly need to pee, do it. It’s quite the experience…

Do’t you just love a good sense of humor? I hope so, ’cause this is the inside..
Okay, enough about the bathrooms. The bottom line is that I am the happiest girl in the world, because I have found my authentic taste of Fall, 3,561 miles from home. If you happen to be in Sevilla this Fall, it’s a must go. Because you can get your Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte just about anywhere…
I’d love to try this spiced wine I think I would love it considering I also like the Christmas gluhwein (very spiced) typical from Germany and surrounding countries.
I’m sure you would! I’ll actually be wandering over to Germany & Belgium for Christmas this year. I can’t wait to try it!