I’ve had countless people say to me “I wish I could do what you’re doing.” And I respond back to them, “Well, you can. We’re young, this is the time!” And then they reply…
“But I can’t.”
Can’t. This word paralyzes me. I hate it more than a four hour flight delay. More than losing my 6th lip balm of the month. Even more than when my favorite restaurant runs out of my favorite dish I’ve been craving all week (YEA, I said it. You know that feeling is the worst.)
When I was growing up, Guacamommy taught me a lesson, that I now pin as one (if not the most) valuable lessons of my childhood. There is no such word as can’t. In fact, when I was younger I wasn’t even allowed to use the word can’t. It was grouped in the same category as every other forbidden four letter word. I know what you’re thinking. “Oh shi*, that’s crazy as fuc*!” Well, it’s true. You can if you want. The only obstacle stopping you is you.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way people.
I have compiled a list of the 7 excuses I’ve heard time and time again, as to why you want to travel, but “can’t.” And why you don’t. And I’ve debunked each and every single one…because you know why? You can.
1. Money, money, money. “But I can’t afford to…”
Let’s face it. We are all young and broke. I had 500 dollars to my name when I moved abroad. Traveling cheap is far easier than you think. Hostels and CoachSurfing, cheap (but delicious) eats, trains and small suitcases. That’s all it takes. Oh…and there are also soooo many more ways than you’d think to make money abroad. According to Wandering Earl, there are 42 to be exact. Just read this.
2. Your job. “But I can’t just quit my job…”

I see your reasoning. But do you wanna look like THIS? A job is a hard thing to quit. Especially if you just got it! But you got one once, you can get one again. In fact, you can probably get a better one because A) You have the experience on your resume, which you didn’t have before and B) You will have had life experience, which is invaluable in the job market. And just think of how much harder it will be to quit your job 20 years from now…
3. Your degree.“But I studied to be a…”
You know the beautiful thing about a degree? It doesn’t expire. I am currently working in Spain as a teacher. Did I study education? Pshhh…no. I studied marketing and journalism, and I just so happen to have found the most relevant post-degree out-of-office experience a journalist could ask for… and you’re reading it! Opportunities to work in your field of choice exist everywhere in the world, if you look for them.
And the good news? That shiny diploma will still be sitting proudly in your parents’ house, waiting for your return. What’s more? You will be receiving a second degree without even picking up a textbook, or paying any outrageous tuition bills. A degree in life. The study of the the real world. Take THAT Harvard Grad. Besides, who actually works in the field that they got their degree in any way…
4. Your family. “I’ll miss them too much…”
They’ll miss you too. But they’ll be there when you get back! There’s also this incredibly awesome recent invention that allows you to talk to your loved ones face to face, anywhere in the world, any time. It’s called….Skype! Or FaceTime. Or Whatsapp. Pick your poison. I kid you not, I talk to my parents more now than when I was living in the same house as them. Oh, and just think about how much harder it will be to travel WHEN YOU HAVE KIDS. Gasp.
5. Your boyfriend/girlfriend. “What if I lose them…”
You know that saying, “if you love someone and let them go, and they come back to you they’re yours forever” ? Well, it’s true! What’s meant to be will be, but while you’re young you gotta do YOU! Check out this awesomely inspiring post from The World on my Necklace . She is traveling without her fiancé for a year. Why? Because this is the time! We’ve got our whole lives to settle down and buy that adorable suburban house with the white picket fence; but we are too young, wild and free to trap ourselves in that fence just yet. And who knows! There might even be some hotter, smarter, funnier, richer (and way more exotic) prince(ess) charming waiting for you on the other side of the world. But you’ll never know until you go.
6. FOMO/ Bad Timing. “Well, it’s not a good time because…”
…I have my cousins wedding, my neighbors communion, my best friends birthday is next month, and…”
Nonsense. Do you ever think it will be a good time? Life has a way of popping up with important things, just when the timing seems most inconvenient. If you’re constantly waiting for a “good time,” don’t hold your breath. Thus, you gotta throw your FOMO aside. Once you bite the bullet and except what you’re going to miss, just think about all of the awesome experiences you will have in exchange. God, if I had a piece of chocolate for how many reunions my best friends have had since I’ve been gone, how many family vacations I’ve missed, and how many Facebook pictures I would have been in…I’d be the size of Saturn. But instead, I’m here galavanting around Europe. Worth it, I’d say.
7. Nobody can travel with you. “But I don’t want to go alone…”
GREAT. Even better! Traveling alone is the best, and I strongly encourage EVERYONE to try it at least once in their lifetime. Imagine; you can go where you wanna go, eat what you wanna eat, sightsee where you wanna (or don’t wanna) sightsee…The list goes on! You also meet far more people when you are alone. I have met the most interesting, kickass people on my solo travels. And you know what? I never, ever would have met them if I was traveling with a friend. Don’t believe me? Take it from the traveling tramps of eTramping, who explain the 10 Benefits of Travelling Solo best.
8. FEAR. “What if…”
YEA. I was pretty much peeing myself of fear.
Fear of the unknown. Fear of messing up. Fear of not landing. These fears exist within all of us, whether we are jumping out of a plane, or walking into a grocery store where we don’t speak the language. It’s the fear of being out of our comfort zone. The fear of missing your flight, or losing your passport. The fear of not being able to relate with the people around you. The fear of getting lost in unfamiliar roads. The list of fears go on and on. But you know how to conquer your fear?
Just do it.
And when you live to talk about it (to everyone at home dying to live vicariously through you and your travel stories) you will have conquered your fear. And maybe even the world…
What are some of your biggest fears stopping you from living your dreams? Comment below and let’s talk about it!
So, ready to buy your ticket?
Love this read. Specifically because it is really personal, considering you are putting yourself out there. It’s nice to see people sharing this more and more (especially the one’s not getting paid for it). Continue sharing!
Thanks so much Colin! Love to hear that it’s actually resonating with people 🙂
Nice one! It’s true, though. There is always a way if you really want it. A lot of it comes down to fear and indecisiveness,, I think. Thanks for debunking these lame phrases.
So personal and honest, great read, Casie 🙂 and thank you so much for the mention!! 🙂
Of course! I’m so glad you like it 🙂
Amazing post! I could’t find anyone to travel with, so I was a bit scared of solo travelling, But right now I am 100% confident about my trip! Thanks A LOT!
Awesome! I felt the same way at first, but once you do it once you’ll be so happy you did! And you might even prefer it 😉 so happy to help!!
For me, this essay of yours, was just preaching to the choir. I’ve been convinced for a long time. My favorite part of your comments was you stating you currently having only $500 to your name, less when you convert to Euros! But thanks for the blog. I enjoyed reading it, and you always make me laugh. Did you really jump out of a plane?
John, I’m happy to know its preaching to “your” choir. You’ve got the right idea! If only more people had this mindset! And yes, yes I did jump out of a plane…twice!
Thank you for adding links to other posts that elaborate on the specific myths you’re debunking! Money and travelling solo are the biggest concerns for me right now so I appreciate that you’ve made it so easy to find more resources on what others say!
My pleasure! Hope you found the resources helpful:)