The citizens of Vietnam have shown the world that the impossible is quite, quite possible. They’ve defied gravity, defied the law of physics, made Newton scratch his head, and made us question everything we’ve ever thought about safety. They’ve shown us that no job is too big or small, no animal too wild or unwieldy, no kitchen appliance too big or bulky. . .
to put on the back of a motorbike.
At first, seeing 5 live pigs and a couch being hauled through bumper to bumper motorbike traffic seemed odd. Welp, 8 months later… it’s still odd. The daily shock is not only real, but downright awe-inspiring. It’s part of the Vietnam experience that I love so much, and yes – even I have found myself carrying two grown-up size bicycles on the back of a bike. Turns out, it’s quite practical!
I’ve asked expats and locals from all over Vietnam to send in their wildest, wackiest, most WTF pictures of weird things on motorbikes.
To no further ado, let’s get weird.
The perfect solution to escape the Vietnamese heat – anytime, anywhere.

No fridge with you? No problem. Just wash off that sweat in your portable tub.

…And don’t forget to bring your ducks.

Just be sure no one’s watching you. PRO TIP: If you really wanna see what’s going on behind you, toss the rearview mirrors and upgrade to a full-length mirror.

That way, you won’t miss this guy. WARNING: driver might start floating.

Just make sure your whole family is there to see it.

But cover their eyes when this guy comes along…

Nowwww, open! It’s a pony! Why have a horse-drawn carriage, when you can have a motorbike-drawn horse?

And then of course, there’s the dogmobile. This pup is making his getaway from Cruella de Vil.

But Nemo and friends’ escape attempt is just beginning. As for those brown fruit-looking things on the bottom…nobody knows.

And if the city traffic gets to you, just make your own green space.

…with birds chirping and all.

These master transporters might seem like superheroes with god-like balance and strength, but at the end of the day, even a master motorbiker has to rest.

Yes, a motorbike in Vietnam is far more than mere transportation. It’s anything on wheels you want it to be. It’s weird, wacky and extremely practical all at once. It takes skill, creativity, and a whole lotta resourcefulness. And it’s one of the many quirky yet endearing characteristics of this country that make it so darn loveable. Never change Vietnam, never change.
Got more photos of Vietnam Motorbikes? Keep us laughing and share them on the AWC facebook page! What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on a motorbike?
Thanks for collating these photos, it was fun to see and reminded me of the crazy things we saw on the back of bikes when we were in Vietnam. I only wish I was quicker with my camera when we were there!
That’s the biggest problem! I always see photo opps I want to capture but I’m not quick enough/ don’t want to crash my motorbike hahah. Glad I could bring you back!!
Cheers from Vietnam!
Casie (AWC)
oooooooohhhhh HA HA HA HA HAHAHA!!!!!
Thanks for the pics. Soooo funny!
Glad you find it as funny as I do Alberto! 😀
Hilarious Casie… just hilarious!
Thanks Lane! It’s a pretty hilarious part of living in Vietnam. Brings us a smile to my face every day! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 Cheers!
lol. Good collection of pics. Vietnamese people can carry the entire family, pets, their home and still make room for more on their bike. I’ve also been living here in Da Nang with my wife for a while now. Less crazy than any other place in Vietnam.
It’s so impressive what they manage to carry on there! Yes, definitely calmer here than other places (thankful for that). Enjoy Da Nang!
-Casie (AWC)